Your domain name search is performed instantly as you type. There is no need to enter ".com" as it is added automatically. Select the ".com" extension to change it to another extension of your choice. Press enter or the "Generate Domain Names" button to generate a list of domain names using your entered search. A valid domain name has between 1 and 63 characters. Characters can be letters, numbers, or the dash "-" character. A domain name cannot start or finish with a dash. A red border will appear around the search box if you have performed an invalid search.
The list of generated results can be verified by selecting the "VERIFY" button beside the domain name. A green "BUY!" button indicates that the domain name is available for purchase. A red "WHOIS" button indicates that the domain name is already registered. Selecting "BUY!" redirects you to to register the domain name. Selecting "WHOIS" redirects you to's page that tells you who owns the domain name.
Domain names can be added to your favorites list by selecting the button. Select the
button again to remove it from your favorites list. Your favorites list can be accessed by selecting the "Favorites" button. In the Favorites menu you can register or delete all the domain names in your list. Select on a domain name in this list to register it individually. We link to to register your domain name. Web cookies are used to store your favorite domain names for your return visits.
A word list is used to generate domain names using words that share a common theme. A word list can be selected in the "Lists & Tools" menu and can also be typed in. A list can be identified by the "[" and "]" characters in the search box. When selecting a word list it will appear at the last cursor position. The placement of the list in the search box will determine where the generated words will appear. A maximum of 2 lists can be used at once.
"[COLORS]software" might generate...
"bobs[REALESTATE]" might generate...
"my[POSITIVE]workout" might generate...
Your own word lists can be used by entering them in a Custom List box in the "Lists" menu. There you can enter your words into one or both of the text boxes. Seperate your words using commas, spaces, or new lines. To use your lists, simply select the "Custom List 1" or "Custom List 2" in the "Custom List" drop down box.
The like tool is used to generate a list of similar words (synonyms). The like tool can be found in the Tools drop down box in the "Lists" menu. When selected, "[LIKE:]" will appear in the search box. Enter your word after "LIKE:" to generate a list of related words.
"gift[LIKE:store]" might generate...
In the "Settings" menu you can generate results by either using Word Lists(default) or using Domain Hacks. Select the "Use Hyphens" check box if you want hyphens between the words when using Word Lists. The results can also be sorted using the "Sort Results" drop down box. They can be sorted by: longest to shortest length, shortest to longest length, alphabetical order, reverse alphabetical order, most popular to least popular, or random order. The length of the generated domain names is controlled using the minimum Length & maximum length drop down boxes. The "Numbers" checkbox can be selected to allow numbers in the results. The "Hyphens" checkbox can be selected to allow hyphens in the results. To reset all options select the "RESET" button.